Targeted and innovative training proposals

dal 18 GEN 2024 al 16 FEB 2024  |  Dr.ssa G. Sacco  | 

Nobody Left Behind - Tutor Training Course DSA, ADHD e BES

The DSA, ADHD and BES tutor training course provides an in-depth understanding and management of the main Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

It teaches the learning tutor effective techniques to relate to children who are experienced as inattentive, hyperactive, anxious and 'difficult'.

During the theoretical training hours, practical exercises will be offered in which application methodologies will be used (metacognitive strategies, concept maps, global reading, strategies to favour the management of emotions and attention) and discussion and comparison groups aimed at collaborative and creative learning.

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Mental care at work for
people with disabilities

Co-funded by the
Erasmus + Programme
of the European Union

Ministero delle Imprese
e del Made in Italy